Translucent Dendrobium
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Translucent Dendrobium
ative Photo: Thingnam Sophia
Common name: Translucent Dendrobium
Botanical name: Dendrobium transparens     Family: Orchidaceae (Orchid family)
Synonyms: Callista transparens, Dendrobium henshallii

Translucent Dendrobium is rare species found in India, Nepal and Burma as a medium to large sized orchid growing on trees, with slender, basally swollen, erect to pendulous stems. The stems carry 5 to 7, deciduous, linear-lanceshaped, recurved, pointed leaves. The plant blooms on a short, 2-3-flowered raceme emerging from glassy bracts with short lived, fragrant flowers that arise from the large transparent bracts at the nodes of the old leafless canes. The flowers are 3-5 cm across. Both sepals and petals are usually transparent white with varying amounts of pink or purple at the tips, but pure white clones are also known. The curled lip is white with a pink or purple top. It is rolled in at the base. and it is gently curled along the edges. There are 1-2 dark purple or blood-red spots in the throat. Translucent Dendrobium is found in the Himalayas, from Kumaon, Nepal to Bhutan, NE India Laos, Myanmar, at altitudes of 800-2000 m. Flowering: May-June.

Identification credit: Pankaj Kumar Photographed in Jharkhand & Manipur.

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